Graphics: 10, this has got to be some of the best graphics i've ever seen, it looks like it could be on TV^^ Overall I love japanimated stuff, or "manga".
Sound: 10, I love how the various Final Fantasy music and sound effects come in handy, and of course the voice acting is superd, even if I don't understand what it is they say
Interactivity: 10! Definitely, since you've put a navigating bar at the bottom this is a pure dream to those who wish to skip a few seconds or a long period of time.
Style: 10.... Need I say more?
Violence: 10! I love the all the battles, alot of humor even in the battles and I think that you really managed to creat all of the chocobo's nicely... (for those of you who don't understand what I mean.... Well..... You guys are just plain stupid.....)
Humor: A+ is all I have to say to this one^^ The humor was fucking AWESOME, the whole thing was really great, I nearly fell over laughing when the principle turned out to be Ramuh, of course, I almost nearly fell over when the pop-quiz came up.
Well anyways... For those of you that haven't seen this yet, I can only recomend: SEE IT! You'll love it. I know I did^^